Mastering Omnisend: A Comprehensive Guide to Boosting Your Email Marketing Strategies

Mastering Omnisend: A Comprehensive Guide to Boosting Your Email Marketing Strategies
Tunica Tech

Tunica Tech

3 min read

May 24

Omnisend: A Comprehensive Omnichannel Marketing Automation Guide


In today's digital landscape, omnichannel marketing has become essential for businesses to connect with their customers effectively. Omnichannel marketing allows businesses to deliver a seamless customer experience across multiple channels, including email, SMS, social media, and website.

Omnisend is a leading omnichannel marketing automation platform that helps businesses create personalized and automated marketing campaigns across all channels. With Omnisend, businesses can:

  • Create automated email and SMS campaigns
  • Send targeted push notifications
  • Manage social media marketing
  • Build landing pages and forms
  • Track customer behavior and measure campaign performance

How to Use Omnisend

Using Omnisend is simple and straightforward. The platform has a user-friendly interface and a drag-and-drop email editor that makes it easy to create beautiful and effective email campaigns.

To get started with Omnisend, you need to create an account and connect your email and SMS service providers. Once you have connected your accounts, you can start creating automated campaigns.

Creating Automated Email Campaigns

To create an automated email campaign, click on the "Campaigns" tab and select "Create Campaign." Then, select the "Email" option.

In the next step, you will need to select the following:

  • Campaign name
  • Email list
  • Subject line
  • Email content

You can use Omnisend's drag-and-drop email editor to create your email content. The editor has a variety of templates and blocks that you can use to create professional-looking emails.

Once you have finished creating your email content, you need to set up the campaign's automation settings. You can do this by clicking on the "Automation" tab.

In the automation settings, you can specify the following:

  • When the campaign should be sent
  • What should happen when a contact opens or clicks on the email
  • How long the contact should remain in the campaign

Sending Targeted Push Notifications

Omnisend also allows you to send targeted push notifications to your customers. To send a push notification, click on the "Notifications" tab and select "Create Notification."

In the next step, you will need to select the following:

  • Notification title
  • Notification body
  • Audience

You can target your push notifications based on a variety of criteria, including customer behavior, location, and device type.

Managing Social Media Marketing

Omnisend also allows you to manage your social media marketing from a single platform. To do this, click on the "Social" tab.

In the social tab, you can connect your social media accounts and schedule posts. You can also track the performance of your social media campaigns.

Building Landing Pages and Forms

Omnisend allows you to build landing pages and forms without any coding knowledge. To do this, click on the "Landing Pages" or "Forms" tab.

In the landing page or form builder, you can use a variety of templates and blocks to create professional-looking landing pages and forms.

Tracking Customer Behavior and Measuring Campaign Performance

Omnisend allows you to track customer behavior and measure the performance of your marketing campaigns. To do this, click on the "Analytics" tab.

In the analytics tab, you can track the following metrics:

  • Email open rates
  • Click-through rates
  • Conversion rates
  • Revenue generated

You can use these metrics to measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and make improvements accordingly.

Benefits of Using Omnisend

There are many benefits to using Omnisend for your omnichannel marketing needs. Some of these benefits include:

  • Increased customer engagement
  • Improved customer experience
  • Increased sales and conversions
  • Time and cost savings


Omnisend is a powerful omnichannel marketing automation platform that can help businesses connect with their customers more effectively. With Omnisend, businesses can create personalized and automated marketing campaigns across all channels.

If you are looking for a way to improve your omnichannel marketing, Omnisend is definitely worth considering.

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