Discover the Top Options to Use Instead of Brandwatch: The Best Alternatives for Your Data Analytics Needs

Discover the Top Options to Use Instead of Brandwatch: The Best Alternatives for Your Data Analytics Needs
Tunica Tech

Tunica Tech

5 min read

April 21

Social Media Analytics and Market Research Tools: A Comparison of Brandwatch Alternatives

In today's digital age, social media has become one of the most important platforms for businesses to connect with their customers and gather valuable insights. With millions of conversations happening in real-time, social media has become a goldmine for marketers and market researchers. However, monitoring and analyzing all this data manually is nearly impossible. This is where social media analytics and market research tools come into play.

Brandwatch is one such tool that has become popular among businesses for its user-friendly interface and powerful features. But like any other tool, it is not a one-size-fits-all solution and may not cater to the specific needs of every business.

In this article, we will explore 10 alternatives to Brandwatch and compare their features, pricing, and user feedback to help you make an informed decision.


Hootsuite is a popular social media management platform that offers a range of features including social media monitoring. It provides real-time monitoring of social media conversations, sentiment analysis, and influencer identification. Additionally, it allows you to create custom reports and track key metrics to measure the success of your social media campaigns.

Pricing: Hootsuite's plans start at $29 per month for one user and go up to $599 per month for a team of 5 users.

User feedback: Users are generally satisfied with Hootsuite's features and customer support. However, some users have complained about occasional glitches and slow loading times.


Talkwalker is a social media analytics and monitoring tool that provides real-time tracking of brand mentions, sentiment analysis, and social media ROI measurement. It also offers advanced features such as image and video monitoring, influencer identification, and crisis management.

Pricing: Pricing for Talkwalker's social media monitoring tool starts at $9,600 per year for 10 users. They also offer a 7-day free trial.

User feedback: Users appreciate Talkwalker's advanced features, ease of use, and frequent updates. However, some have faced challenges with data accuracy and customization options.


Meltwater is a comprehensive media monitoring and analytics tool that covers traditional media as well as social media. It offers real-time tracking of brand mentions, sentiment analysis, and competitive analysis. Meltwater also has an influencer database and helps businesses identify key influencers in their industry.

Pricing: Contact Meltwater for pricing information. They offer a demo and free trial to interested businesses.

User feedback: Users are satisfied with Meltwater's media coverage and reporting capabilities. However, some have faced challenges with the user interface and data accuracy.

Sprout Social

Sprout Social is a social media management and analytics platform that provides real-time social media monitoring and custom reporting. It also offers collaboration features, influencer identification, and advanced social media analytics for businesses.

Pricing: Sprout Social's plans start at $99 per user per month, and they offer a free 30-day trial.

User feedback: Users appreciate Sprout Social's user-friendly interface and comprehensive reporting. However, some have faced challenges with the pricing and limitations on the number of social media profiles that can be monitored.

Google Trends is a free tool that allows businesses to track the volume and popularity of search queries over time. It also provides insights on trending topics and related queries, which can help businesses stay relevant and identify potential opportunities for their products or services.

Pricing: Google Trends is completely free to use.

User feedback: Users appreciate Google Trends' real-time data and easy-to-use interface. However, some have faced challenges with the limited scope of data available.


BuzzSumo is a content marketing and social media analytics tool that provides insights on the most popular and shared content on social media. It also offers influencer identification and tracking of brand mentions and sentiment analysis.

Pricing: BuzzSumo's plans start at $99 per month, and they offer a 7-day free trial.

User feedback: Users love BuzzSumo's content insights and influencer identification capabilities. However, some have faced challenges with the pricing and data accuracy.


NetBase is a social media analytics and monitoring tool that offers real-time tracking of brand mentions, sentiment analysis, and competitor analysis. It also provides keyword analysis and influencer identification.

Pricing: Contact NetBase for pricing information. They offer a demo and free trial to interested businesses.

User feedback: Users appreciate NetBase's sentiment analysis and influencer identification. However, some have faced challenges with the user interface and pricing.


Talkdesk is a customer service and experience platform that offers social media monitoring as part of its suite of tools. It provides real-time tracking of brand mentions, sentiment analysis, and customer interactions on social media platforms. Talkdesk also has features for workflow automation, collaboration, and CRM integration.

Pricing: Contact Talkdesk for pricing information.

User feedback: Users are generally satisfied with Talkdesk's customer service and platform features. However, some have faced challenges with the pricing and integration with other tools.

Harris 24/7

Harris 24/7 is a social media monitoring and analytics tool that offers real-time tracking of brand mentions, sentiment analysis, and competitive analysis. It also provides influencer identification and crisis management features.

Pricing: Contact Harris 24/7 for pricing information. They offer a demo and free trial to interested businesses.

User feedback: Users appreciate Harris 24/7's ease of use and comprehensive reporting. However, some have faced challenges with the pricing and data accuracy. is a social media management and analytics platform that offers real-time monitoring of social media conversations, sentiment analysis, and influencer identification. It also provides features for community management, content scheduling, and customer engagement.

Pricing:'s plans start at $129 per month, and they offer a free 14-day trial.

User feedback: Users are generally satisfied with's features and customer support. However, some have faced challenges with the limited capabilities in the basic plan and pricing.


Social media analytics and market research tools have become essential for businesses to track customer conversations and gather insights. While Brandwatch is a popular choice, it may not cater to every business's specific needs. In this article, we explored 10 alternatives to Brandwatch and compared their features, pricing, and user feedback. Before choosing a tool, make sure to evaluate your business's requirements and test out different options to find the best fit for your social media monitoring and research needs.

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