Battle of the Brands: FeedOtter and Brandwatch Go Head to Head

Battle of the Brands: FeedOtter and Brandwatch Go Head to Head
Tunica Tech

Tunica Tech

5 min read

May 14

A Comparative Analysis of FeedOtter and Brandwatch

FeedOtter and Brandwatch are two widely used tools in the world of social media and digital marketing. Both platforms offer a variety of features and tools to help businesses monitor and analyze their online presence. In this comparative analysis, we will take an in-depth look at the strengths and weaknesses of both FeedOtter and Brandwatch to determine which platform is a better fit for your social media and digital marketing needs.


FeedOtter is a social media marketing automation tool that focuses on helping businesses streamline their content curation and distribution process. With FeedOtter, users can easily publish and schedule content from their favorite sources onto social media channels such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. The platform also offers advanced features for creating and managing email marketing campaigns.

On the other hand, Brandwatch is a social media listening and analytics tool that specializes in monitoring online conversations and trends. It allows businesses to track mentions, keywords, and hashtags on various social media platforms, providing valuable insights into consumer sentiment and brand reputation.

User Interface

When it comes to user interface, both FeedOtter and Brandwatch offer clean and intuitive layouts that are easy to navigate. FeedOtter has a simple and straightforward design, making it easy for users to create, schedule, and publish social media and email content. The platform also offers customization options, allowing users to tailor the interface to their preferences.

Brandwatch, on the other hand, has a more complex layout due to its extensive range of features. It may take some time for new users to fully grasp all the features and how to navigate the platform effectively. However, once users get familiar with the interface, they can easily access and utilize all the tools at their disposal.

Social Media Monitoring

Both FeedOtter and Brandwatch offer features for social media monitoring, allowing businesses to track their brand mentions and trends online. However, Brandwatch has a clear advantage in this aspect due to its more advanced and extensive monitoring capabilities.

Brandwatch offers monitoring for over 150 million sources, including social media platforms, blogs, news sites, forums, and more. It also provides real-time alerts and sentiment analysis, helping businesses stay on top of their online reputation and detect potential crises early on.

FeedOtter, on the other hand, has a more limited monitoring capability, focusing primarily on social media channels. While it can track brand mentions and hashtags on these platforms, it lacks the depth and breadth of sources that Brandwatch offers.

Social Media Publishing

FeedOtter is primarily a social media publishing tool, and it excels in this aspect. The platform allows users to curate content from RSS feeds, blogs, and other sources and schedule them for publication on their social media channels. It also offers features for campaign management and analytics, making it a comprehensive solution for social media content distribution.

Brandwatch also offers social media publishing capabilities, but it is not its main focus. The platform allows users to schedule posts on social media and track their performance. However, it lacks the advanced campaign management and analytics features that FeedOtter offers.

Email Marketing

One of the standout features of FeedOtter is its email marketing capabilities. The platform allows users to create and distribute branded email campaigns using content from RSS feeds and social media channels. It also offers features for A/B testing and automation, making it a valuable tool for email marketing.

Brandwatch does not have email marketing capabilities, and users will need to integrate with other platforms to utilize this feature.


Pricing is often a significant factor in choosing a platform, and both FeedOtter and Brandwatch have different pricing models.

FeedOtter offers a tiered pricing structure based on the number of sources, campaigns, and users. The basic plan starts at $49 per month and goes up to $299 per month for the Enterprise plan.

Brandwatch, on the other hand, operates on a custom pricing model, and users will need to contact the sales team for a quote. However, the platform offers a free trial for new users to test out its features.

Customer Support

Customer support is crucial when it comes to using any software, and both FeedOtter and Brandwatch have reliable support teams in place.

FeedOtter offers 24/7 email support for all its plans, and users can also access a knowledge base and video tutorials for self-help. The platform also has a live chat feature for quick assistance.

Brandwatch also has a support team available via email and phone, and they offer 24/7 coverage for Enterprise plans. However, the response time may vary depending on the plan.


Integrations with other tools and platforms can enhance the functionality and capabilities of a software, and both FeedOtter and Brandwatch offer integrations with popular applications.

FeedOtter integrates with various RSS feeds, social media channels, and email marketing platforms such as Mailchimp and Constant Contact.

Brandwatch integrates with social media platforms, Google Analytics, and data visualization tools such as Tableau and Datorama.

Final Verdict

Both FeedOtter and Brandwatch are powerful tools with unique strengths and capabilities. FeedOtter is an excellent choice for businesses looking for a social media publishing and email marketing solution, while Brandwatch offers advanced social listening and analytics capabilities.

In conclusion, if your primary focus is on social media marketing, FeedOtter would be the better option for your business. However, if you need a more comprehensive tool for social media monitoring and analytics, Brandwatch would be the ideal choice. It is crucial to assess your specific needs and objectives before deciding on which platform to invest in for your social media and digital marketing efforts.

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