Battle of the Survey Tools: A Comparison of Qualtrics and FeedOtter

Battle of the Survey Tools: A Comparison of Qualtrics and FeedOtter
Tunica Tech

Tunica Tech

6 min read

April 30

Qualtrics vs FeedOtter: A Comparison of Two Survey and Feedback Tools

In today’s fast-paced business world, gathering customer feedback and conducting surveys has become essential for understanding the needs and satisfaction of your customers. This is where survey and feedback tools like Qualtrics and FeedOtter come into play.

Qualtrics and FeedOtter are two highly popular and powerful survey and feedback tools that offer a range of features to help businesses gather insights, conduct surveys, and facilitate feedback from their audiences. Let’s compare the two and see which one could be the best fit for your business.


Qualtrics is a robust, web-based survey and research platform that enables businesses to gain feedback from customers, employees, and other stakeholders. It offers advanced features like logic and branching, data analysis, and multi-language capabilities.

FeedOtter, on the other hand, is a lesser-known tool that specializes in creating and managing automated email digest campaigns. It allows businesses to share any type of content or message with their audiences via email digests, RSS feeds, or social media.



  • Survey creation: Qualtrics offers a wide range of features for creating various types of surveys such as multiple choice, text-based, and interactive.
  • Data analysis: With Qualtrics, you can analyze your survey results in real-time with customizable charts, graphs, and filters.
  • Distribution options: This platform allows you to distribute your surveys via email, social media, QR codes, and more.
  • Logic and branching: Qualtrics offers advanced logic and branching options to personalize the survey experience for different respondents.
  • Collaboration: You can invite team members to collaborate on survey design and analysis.
  • Reporting: The reporting feature of Qualtrics allows you to create and share detailed reports with stakeholders.


  • Email digest creation: FeedOtter allows you to easily create professional-looking email digests with your own branding elements.
  • Custom templates: You can choose from a variety of customizable templates or create your own to match your company’s style and branding.
  • Automation: FeedOtter’s automation feature allows you to schedule your email digests to be sent at a specific time or after a trigger event.
  • Multi-channel distribution: Along with email, FeedOtter also supports automated distribution of content via RSS feeds and social media.
  • A/B testing: You can test different versions of your email digests to see which one resonates best with your audience.
  • Analytics: FeedOtter provides detailed analytics on the performance of your email digests, including open rates, clicks, and more.


Integration is an important factor to consider when choosing a survey or feedback tool, as it determines how well the tool will fit into your existing technology stack. Let’s take a look at how Qualtrics and FeedOtter integrate with other tools and platforms.


  • CRM integration: Qualtrics integrates with popular CRMs like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Microsoft Dynamics 365, allowing you to collect and store survey responses directly in your CRM system.
  • Email marketing integration: This platform also integrates with email marketing tools such as Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and Marketo, making it easy to reach your email list with surveys.
  • API access: Qualtrics offers comprehensive API resources, allowing businesses to develop custom integrations with their preferred tools.


  • Email marketing integration: FeedOtter provides seamless integration with major email marketing tools like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and Marketo.
  • CMS integration: This platform also integrates with popular content management systems like WordPress, allowing you to easily publish content to your email digest.
  • CRM integration: FeedOtter integrates with Salesforce and HubSpot for collecting and storing survey responses in your CRM system.
  • API access: FeedOtter offers a robust API that enables businesses to build custom integrations with their preferred tools.


Pricing is an important consideration for any business. Let’s compare the pricing plans of Qualtrics and FeedOtter to see how they stack up.


  • Qualtrics offers a free plan that allows you to create and distribute surveys with limited features.
  • The paid plans start at $1,500 per year for the “Research Core” plan, which includes unlimited surveys and responses, basic reporting, and standard support.
  • For more advanced features like advanced reporting and analytics, enterprise-level security, and CRM integration, the cost can go up to $3,000+ per year.


  • FeedOtter offers a 15-day free trial, after which you can choose from three pricing plans – Basic, Pro, and Enterprise.
  • The Basic plan starts at $99 per month and includes 10,000 newsletter emails per month, automated distribution, and basic analytics.
  • The Pro plan starts at $199 per month and includes 50,000 newsletter emails per month, A/B testing, and advanced analytics.
  • The Enterprise plan starts at $699 per month with custom pricing for businesses with high-volume needs.

Customer Support

Both Qualtrics and FeedOtter offer dedicated customer support for their users. However, the level of support varies depending on the plan you choose.


  • The paid plans for Qualtrics include email, live chat, and phone support for technical issues.
  • The free plan includes online support resources and community forums for troubleshooting.
  • There is also an option to purchase premium support for additional assistance and personalized training.


  • The Basic and Pro plans for FeedOtter include email support and access to helpful resources like guides and videos.
  • The Enterprise plan includes a dedicated account manager for personalized support and assistance.
  • All plans also offer online support and community forums for troubleshooting.

Which One Should You Choose?

Both Qualtrics and FeedOtter offer unique features and benefits that can cater to different types of businesses. If you are primarily focused on gathering feedback and conducting surveys, Qualtrics will be the better option with its comprehensive features and data analysis capabilities.

On the other hand, if your main goal is to share content and messages with your audience, FeedOtter will be a better fit with its automation and tracking features for email digests. Furthermore, if you are looking for a more cost-effective solution, FeedOtter’s pricing plans may be more attractive compared to Qualtrics.


In summary, both Qualtrics and FeedOtter are powerful tools for gathering insights and engaging with your audience. Depending on your specific needs and budget, one of these tools may be a better fit for your business. Take the time to evaluate your requirements and consider the features, integration, pricing, and customer support options before making a decision.

Whichever tool you choose, you can rest assured that you will be equipped with the necessary features and support to gather valuable feedback and engage with your audience effectively.

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