Battle of Brands: A Comparison between SurveyMonkey and Brandwatch

Battle of Brands: A Comparison between SurveyMonkey and Brandwatch
Tunica Tech

Tunica Tech

5 min read

May 12

A Comparison of SurveyMonkey and Brandwatch

SurveyMonkey and Brandwatch are two popular tools for conducting surveys and analyzing online data. While they both serve similar purposes, there are key differences between the two that may make one a better fit for your needs. In this article, we will compare and contrast SurveyMonkey and Brandwatch in 2000 words to help you make an informed decision on which tool to use.

Overview of SurveyMonkey

SurveyMonkey is an online survey tool that helps individuals and organizations create surveys and gather responses from their target audience. Founded in 1999, SurveyMonkey has become a go-to platform for anyone looking to collect feedback or opinions. The tool is user-friendly, with a drag-and-drop interface and customizable templates to create surveys quickly.

With SurveyMonkey, users can send their surveys through email, social media, or embed them on their website. The platform also offers advanced features such as survey branching, skip logic, and response analysis to provide in-depth insights.

Overview of Brandwatch

Brandwatch, on the other hand, is a social media monitoring and analytics tool. Founded in 2007, Brandwatch has made a name for itself as a powerful platform for tracking and analyzing conversations about brands, products, and topics on social media and other online platforms. It offers a variety of features, including real-time monitoring, sentiment analysis, and competitive benchmarking.

Brandwatch also has an AI-powered tool, Vizia, that allows users to visualize data and track their brand's performance on digital platforms. With its robust capabilities, Brandwatch is primarily used for reputation management, brand monitoring, and social media marketing.

Price Comparison

When it comes to pricing, SurveyMonkey and Brandwatch have different approaches. SurveyMonkey offers a variety of plans, including a free basic plan, a standard plan starting at $34 per month, and a premium plan starting at $99 per month. The price increases based on the number of features and responses required. It also offers enterprise plans for larger organizations.

Brandwatch, on the other hand, has a custom pricing model, with plans tailored to the specific needs and goals of the user. While there is no set price, it is generally more expensive than SurveyMonkey, making it more suitable for larger organizations with bigger budgets.

Survey Creation and Design

SurveyMonkey and Brandwatch have different approaches when it comes to survey creation. SurveyMonkey has a user-friendly interface with a drag-and-drop editor that allows users to customize their surveys. It also offers a variety of templates to choose from, making it quicker to create a survey from scratch.

On the other hand, Brandwatch has a more complex process for creating surveys. It requires users to enter their specific queries using Boolean operators, which may be challenging for users without technical knowledge. However, this approach gives users more control over their survey design and allows for more precise targeting of responses.

Data Collection and Reporting

Both SurveyMonkey and Brandwatch offer a wide range of data collection and reporting options. With SurveyMonkey, users can send their surveys through email, social media, or embed them on their website. The platform also offers real-time analytics, making it easy to track responses as they come in.

Brandwatch, on the other hand, specializes in data collection from social media and other online platforms. It offers real-time monitoring, sentiment analysis, and competitive benchmarking. This allows users to track and analyze conversations about their brand or topic of interest, providing valuable insights into their online presence and reputation.


Both SurveyMonkey and Brandwatch offer integrations with other popular tools, making it easier for users to connect their survey data to other platforms. SurveyMonkey offers integrations with tools such as Salesforce, MailChimp, and Google Analytics. On the other hand, Brandwatch has a partnership with Hootsuite for social media management and a variety of integrations with other data management and visualization tools.

User Support

When it comes to user support, SurveyMonkey and Brandwatch offer different options. SurveyMonkey has a comprehensive support center with FAQs, video tutorials, and a community forum. It also offers email and phone support for paid plans.

Brandwatch has a customer success team that works closely with clients to ensure they are getting the most out of the platform. It also has a resource center with user guides and whitepapers, as well as email and phone support.

Target Audience

While both SurveyMonkey and Brandwatch cater to a variety of users, their target audiences differ. SurveyMonkey is best suited for businesses or individuals who need to gather feedback or opinions from a target audience, such as market research, customer satisfaction surveys, or event evaluations.

Brandwatch, on the other hand, is more targeted towards larger organizations, PR and marketing agencies, and social media managers who need to track and analyze brand mentions and conversations on various digital platforms.

Pros and Cons

SurveyMonkey Pros:

  • User-friendly and easy to use
  • Offers a variety of templates to choose from
  • Real-time analytics for tracking responses
  • Multiple data collection options

SurveyMonkey Cons:

  • Limited options for advanced survey designs
  • Extra fees for advanced features and larger response numbers
  • May not be suitable for complex surveys or research

Brandwatch Pros:

  • Powerful social media monitoring and analytics capabilities
  • Real-time monitoring and sentiment analysis
  • Customized data collection options
  • Robust visualization tool (Vizia)

Brandwatch Cons:

  • Higher price point, making it less accessible for smaller organizations
  • Steep learning curve for creating surveys and analyzing data
  • May not be suitable for businesses that do not require social media monitoring


In conclusion, both SurveyMonkey and Brandwatch are excellent tools for gathering data and insights from online sources. While SurveyMonkey is more user-friendly and accessible for a variety of users, Brandwatch offers more advanced features and customization options for larger organizations with specific needs. Ultimately, the choice between the two will depend on your specific requirements and budget. We hope this comparison has helped you gain a better understanding of the similarities and differences between SurveyMonkey and Brandwatch.

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