Battle of the Data Analytics Tools: A Comparison of SurveyMonkey and Similarweb

Battle of the Data Analytics Tools: A Comparison of SurveyMonkey and Similarweb
Tunica Tech

Tunica Tech

5 min read

April 25

Comparing SurveyMonkey and Similarweb in 2000 words

SurveyMonkey and Similarweb are two popular tools used for market research and insights. Both offer powerful features and capabilities to help businesses gain a better understanding of their target audience and the market as a whole. In this in-depth comparison, we will take a closer look at these two platforms and how they stack up against each other.


SurveyMonkey is an online survey tool that allows users to create and distribute surveys for a variety of purposes, such as customer satisfaction, market research, and employee feedback. It was founded in 1999 and has since become one of the leading survey platforms in the market, with over 20 million active users.

Similarweb, on the other hand, is a market intelligence tool that provides insights into website and app traffic, audience engagement, and other online metrics. It was founded in 2007 and has grown to be a popular choice among businesses for competitive analysis and market research.



SurveyMonkey offers a wide range of features to help businesses create, distribute, and analyze surveys. Some of its key features include:

  • Survey Templates: SurveyMonkey has a library of over 200 survey templates that cover various topics and industries, making it easier for users to create surveys quickly.
  • Survey Design: With SurveyMonkey's drag-and-drop interface, users can easily design surveys with customizable fonts, colors, and layouts.
  • Question Types: From multiple choice to open-ended questions, SurveyMonkey offers a variety of question types to suit different survey needs.
  • Distribution Options: Surveys can be distributed via email, social media, or embedded on websites, making it easier for businesses to reach their target audience.
  • Analytical Tools: SurveyMonkey offers built-in analytics to help users track responses and generate reports in real-time.


Similarweb's features revolve around website and app analytics, as well as market intelligence. Some of its notable features include:

  • Website and App Traffic Data: Similarweb provides detailed traffic data for websites and apps, including unique visitors, pageviews, and bounce rates.
  • Competitive Analysis: Users can compare their website or app's performance against their competitors' to gain a better understanding of the market.
  • Audience Insights: Similarweb offers demographic and interest data on website and app visitors to help businesses identify their target audience.
  • Keyword Analysis: Users can track keyword performance and identify top organic and paid keywords for their website or app.
  • Market Trends: With Similarweb's market analysis feature, businesses can stay updated on industry trends and monitor their market share.



SurveyMonkey offers a free plan that allows users to create and distribute surveys with basic features. Its paid plans include:

  • Standard: Starting at $32 per month, this plan includes advanced features such as custom branding and skip logic.
  • Advantage: Priced at $99 per month, this plan offers features such as A/B testing and data export options.
  • Premier: At $99 per month, this plan is ideal for larger organizations and includes advanced features like advanced branching and Salesforce integration.


Similarweb does not offer a free plan, but it does have a free trial available. Its paid plans include:

  • Basic: Priced at $149 per month, this plan includes website traffic data and competitive analysis.
  • Advanced: Starting at $499 per month, this plan includes additional features such as app analysis and API access.
  • Enterprise: Similarweb's enterprise plan offers customized pricing and includes features such as market share analysis and keyword research tools.

User Interface

SurveyMonkey and Similarweb have user-friendly and intuitive interfaces, making it easy for users to navigate and find the features they need. Both platforms have a clean and modern design, with SurveyMonkey focusing more on the survey creation process, and Similarweb on data visualization and analysis.


Both SurveyMonkey and Similarweb offer integrations with other popular tools and platforms. Some of SurveyMonkey's integrations include Salesforce, Mailchimp, and Google Analytics, while Similarweb offers integrations with Google Ads, Google Analytics, and Facebook Ads.

Customer Support

SurveyMonkey and Similarweb both have a variety of customer support options, including FAQs, knowledge bases, and online forums. SurveyMonkey also offers phone support for its paid plans, while Similarweb offers live chat support for its enterprise customers.

Pros and Cons



  • Easy to use with a user-friendly interface
  • Wide range of survey templates and question types
  • Real-time analytics and reporting


  • Limited features on the free plan
  • Some advanced features only available on higher plans



  • Comprehensive market and competitor analysis
  • Advanced traffic data and audience insights
  • Customizable and interactive data visualization


  • Relatively expensive compared to other market intelligence tools
  • Steep learning curve for beginners


Both SurveyMonkey and Similarweb offer powerful features and capabilities that can help businesses gain valuable insights about their target audience and the market. While SurveyMonkey is primarily focused on surveys and feedback, Similarweb offers a comprehensive approach to market research and analysis. Ultimately, the choice between these two platforms would depend on the specific needs and budget of your business.

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