Hey, my name is

Manish Kumar Gupta

and I’m part of the Software Testing Team at TunicaLabs Media. Before joining Tunica I worked as a Web Designer at Sanskar Sarees. I enjoy working in the creative business and building their website taught me a lot.

Software Testing

Manish Gupta


As I said I have fun working in the creative industry it gives me a chance to have fun while working. I get distracted easily so finding something enjoyable to work with, helps with keeping my concentration. There are so many aspects of web designing that are truly fascinating. The pace at which the changes occur and your involvement feels unreal. It’s something I’m passionate about and can talk for hours about.

Now, just because I enjoy working doesn’t mean I’m not fun. Like many other people, I find peace within nature. So if you catch me with a week off I will probably be off visiting some beautiful place with a view. Recently I went to Puducherry and I had a great time there with the tourist spots and the different cuisines. We went to the famous Rock beach and Le Pondy beach, both were amazing. We were lucky enough to not miss out on the Auroville; it was probably the highlight of the trip. The next place on my bucket list is Manali so don’t be surprised if you run into me while I’m there.